Compulsory Third Party Liability (CTPL) insurance mandatory requirement for all vehicles.

CTPL covers your legal liability related to bodily injury or death of a third party

What is covered in your CTPL policy?

If your car causes someone not in your car to require medical attention.

CTPL policy pays when your car causes someone not in your car to visit a doctor or hospital.

If the accident results in someone's death

CTPL policy pays for the burial expenses, etc.

What you need to know and why it is important

It covers any damage or injury caused by the insured. CTPL offers cover against any legal liability to a third party when you are at fault.

What it doesn't cover

CTPL insurance policy does not cover the cost of damages to a vehicle or the belongings in the vehicle in case of an accident. It will also not provide cover if your car or belongings are stolen or damange.

If you want more protection and coverage, get comprehensive insurance. Check out our quotes for free. No registration required.

Still confused?

Getting insurance can be confusing, so we worked hard to make it simple. If you still have questions let us know, we are happy to help!

What is CTPL Insurance?

Is a Land Transportation Office mandated coverage policy that protects against financial loss because of motor vehicle related physical injuries or property damage of others caused by accidents arising out of ownership, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle.

How long do CTPL auto policies last?

Brand new cars Compulsory Third Party Liability (CTPL) policies are three years. These policies are usually purchased directly from the car dealer. After the first three year policy expires, the next policy is one year. Our polices are for one year.

What should I do if my CTPL policy expires in, for example, four months?

No worries, if you expires, let's say, in four months, you can absolutely purchase a new policy for the new period to ensure, continuous coverage

Can I customize the coverage limits of my CTPL policy?

Customizing CTPL insurance plans to include additional coverage is often not feasible.